Google Cloud platform Developer Roadshow around the world- its Time Google!

  1. Amazon Web Services holds more than 60 percent market share in Cloud Computing. Google just now started releasing their cloud products one by one and started to attract the developers and CIO’s around the world. But, to get the competitive cloud  market, Google should do more.
  2. Now it’s clear that Google knows how it should strategies the marketing and product releases. On-Tuesday Google announced a worldwide developer roadshow to speak about the Google vision for cloud computing, including developer experiences, big data  and other innovative approaches in Cloud computing’s future.
  3. On March 25th, 2014, Google will host the “Google Cloud Platform Live” event in San Francisco.  For people who can not attend in person can also register to attend live video conference in New York city  and Seattle. In this Event Google is going to announce new products and services of Google cloud platform. Urs Holzle, Senior Vice president for technical infrastructure, Google and the senior engineering leadership  team will be hosting this event day-long discussing various tips, tricks and technologies on the Google cloud platform.


  1. Following the live event, the road show will begin to visit 26 cities around the world. This type of roadshow could bring significant attention between audience around the globe. We can try to remember Google Roadshow vehicles which attracted lots of people around the world and explained about various Google technologies.


  1.  Amazon has been doing this kind of events for a long time. Amazon Web Services CTO Werner Vogals, SVP Andrew Jassey and Chief evangelist Jeff Barr are taking amazon to the IT professionals and start-up’s around the world like a storm. Google realized it and now taking the steps to market their Cloud platform.
  2. We can expect more competition between top cloud players like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Windows Azure, IBM and Rackspace, etc.
  3. You can find a good article regarding Amazon Web Services (AWS) Win Over Google Compute Engine (GCE) here. Lets wait and see how Google going to beat the competition.