Whether Facebook is taking on Snapchat after failed attempt to buy it ??

Yes! This will happen when you turn down the offer from tech giants. If they failed, they will come back harder. That’s what happened on Facebook-Snapchat thing. Facebook took Snapchat very seriously after they failed to acquire the same for $3 billion last year. The company’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg is personally taking care the internal efforts to build that “Volatile Messaging” app, according to the report from the Financial Times.

If this rumor is true, then it will be called “Slingshot” and it will be releasing this month. Though this is not the first time that Facebook has tried to copy Snapchat’s concept.  A similar video sharing app was failed to sustain called “Poke” which Zuckerberg developed in 12 hours. And he called that app “A Joke” later. According to FT,

Slingshot takes a different approach. It is said to resemble TapTalk, a new video-messaging app from Berlin-based Wit Dot Media released last month, in which users tap or hold a contact’s profile picture to instantly send a photo or short video, which can be viewed only once by the recipient.

The company has promised that they will release many useful apps in 2014. So, we can expect the Snapshot competitor to be real. Creative Labs is responsible for such efforts. And we saw an awesome app with a great track record with Paper app. They revamped the messenger too, and it’s looks stunning. The major part that Facebook is working on is that, to make the app more flexible and light weight. Let’s see it as an healthy competition between them.

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