Tech Battlefield: Apple Vs. Google [Comparison Infographic]

This is not the normal Info-graph you’re going to read. A real tech battlefield between Apple and Google. It has completely jumped out due to the out-and-out popularity between the two tech giants. Both the companies have many perpetual fans. The rise of Smartphones and tablets has altered the business of making computers. At the center of this change are Apple and Google, two companies whose philosophies, leaders, and commercial insightful have steamrolled the competition.

In terms of search, Nothing can beat Google and likewise when we consider gadgets, no one can beat Apple. In the age of Android and the iPad, these corporations are locked in a battle that will play out not just in the marketplace but in the courts and on screens around the world.

Apple iPad was the first successful tablet, but recently Android has overtaken Apple to become the largest selling tablets. In products, Both the companies have their own timeline. Messed up part is they used to discontinue the products that are less used. This affects many other users. For Instance, Google Reader. Take a look at this info-graph to know in depth about their products, iOS/Android, Market Place, App price range, Daily revenue and security. By the way it’s a decent comparison. We are pretty much excited to see what does future holds??


Info-Graph Credits: Great Business Schools